Sunday, November 4, 2007

I gave in....

So I finally gave in... I gave Luke some rice cereal. All that research about waiting till 6 months is best for their digestive system and blah blah blah ... couldn't wait. I figured look at all of us our parents were feeding us cereals at 2 weeks... we all came out fine (well most of us lol) and besides, don't those same "researchers" say that every baby is different? So Jake actually gave him his first bite, he loves it!!! He can't get enough of it!! It really has been helping him sleep through the night YAY!!! He's actually sleeping 5 hours straight now... Can't wait for the 7 hours! But really he has been a very good baby... a little bit of social anxiety (not sure where that came from lol) but I am just really enjoying him. So here are a couple pictures of him eating his first foods....

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